Sunday, April 01, 2007

Satisfaction from work

Doing a job that you like is very critical for your well-being and mental health on the long term. These thoughts came up as a result of all my previous experiences and the trigger was my military service in which I have to do a lot of unpleasant tasks each and every day. Each moment of the day I realize that I definitely cannot live the rest of my life doing a job that I don't like or even worst I hate.

An additional point I want to make is that I can only think of three possibilities concerning job satisfaction: you can have a pleasant job which you enjoy, an unpleasant job which you don't like but you have to do for living and a job which some people may consider pleasant but doesn't suit you (for example a job that you were forced to practise due to some reasons). While I am thinking all these I am once more feeling extreme happiness for studying business administration and choosing to become a marketer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree!

there has to be a psychological and emotional sense of satisfaction, and to some extent financial remuneration, for one to feel that they like what they're doing.

the question is: if you're unhappy, despite the excellent salary package, do you stay? or do you go?