Monday, May 15, 2006

Interview with Eileen Trainor

Eileen Trainor (CyberCelt) has two blogs about advertising (CoolAdzine & Advertising for Success) a website about advertising ( and a travel blog (Texas RV Travel Blog). In this post I am taking an interview from Eileen about her blogs, the internet and her experience in the advertising industry. Enjoy...

Q: Two of your blogs are about advertising. Why is that? What are the
differences between the two blogs?

CoolAdzine for Marketers is syndicated and bring visitors to the blog
and to the associated website,, which is resource site for
advertising, promotion and design.

Advertising for Success blog began as an experiment in search engine
marketing and page rank, during the launch of an online advertising
company. With this experience, I learned the power of the blog and the
incredible potential of feed marketing.

I guess you could say CoolAdzine is more old-school marketing and that
Advertising for Success is the future.

Q: Do you believe that advertising in blogs can effectively deliver any
additional income for bloggers? What about advertisers? Do they really
enjoy any benefits?

Blogs that are updated frequently and contain professional, topical
content suitable for publication in special interest areas (such as
travel, women's issues, technology, politics and local metro information) are
ripe for making money.

Advertisers are lining up to advertise on specialty feeds, podcasts,
blog networks and gaming sites. Their target market is the 18-34
year-old adults that do not watch traditional TV, listen to AM radio or read a
newspaper offline.

Q: Some predictions about the future of online advertising / marketing and
its techniques (email, rss, blogs, podcasting, etc.)

Feed advertising, non-existent until mid-2005, generated spending of
$650,000 in 2005 and will be the fastest growing segment over the next
five years. Blog advertising accounted for $16.6 million, of total
spending on blog, podcast and feed advertising in 2005. Podcast advertising
is projected to grow larger than blog advertising by 2010.

Q: Finally, anything else you want to mention?

Blogging and feed marketing are just the frontier of a brave new web of
advertising and marketing. User-generated content is fresh and
pertinent to the times in which we live. Accent your efforts at blogging and
syndication by tagging with Technorati, or your own tags,
writing and submitting useful articles, joining online communities like, and applying for publisher status on

Eileen Trainor is a writer, webmaster and marketer with over 20 years of experience. Visit, visit her blogs on Blogger, or subscribe to her feedburner feeds: CoolAdzine and AdvertisingForSuccess

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post! Thanks.