Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This blog is in the process of moving to its own domain. This is a move that I was planning long time ago although commitments delayed the project a lot. It's a great step for me that also has a cost (such as a good number of visits that come from organic searches of marketing and CSR related topics). I hope the new blog will gain better results over time. Stay tuned to find out more.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Environmentally speaking…

This is a special post because it responds to the request of BlogActionDay for a blog post in every blog around the world that will cite an environmental issue (of the bloggers’ choice) for today: Monday 15 of October of 2007.

Because of the fact that my blog is related with business issues, I will discuss about CSR initiatives. Corporate Social Responsibility can take many and various forms; one very important aspect of CSR can relate to corporate environmental “sensitivity”. Many corporations globally choose to focus their corporate social initiatives and programs in the protection and sustainability of the environment. Some very common environmental initiatives may be the following:

  • Recycling various materials (print paper, glass, plastic)
  • Reduction of Energy consumption (power saving policies, use of technological innovations)
  • Reforestation (of burned forests)
  • Cleaning of the sea and the coastline
  • Fighting global warming (reduction of CO2 emissions, etc.)
Environmental initiatives are most likely to be undertaken by large corporations with industrial activities. This is because such corporations usually pollute or deteriorate the environment and they now realize the outcome of their actions and the future impact they will have on the lives of all living beings. Large industrial corporations take on these initiatives to improve their brand name by “compensating society for their deeds”. These corporations start to use air filters that decrease air pollution and toxic gas emissions, they implement power saving tactics such as low energy consumption devices, they use recycled raw materials e.g. recycled paper, glass, etc. Moreover they infuse that environmental friendly philosophy in their employees to act respectively both in their workplace and in their private lives.

On the other hand there is a great number of heavy industrial units that do not compromise with laws and environmental policies. They often evade law procedures and engage into lobbying tactics to avoid acts against them. Sometimes the only powerful weapon against those kind of corporations is branding. People are getting more concerned about environmental issues in recent times and they start to demand firms not to pollute and act in accordance with nature. The consumer has great power and should start boycotting the former type of corporations. Only then top management in these unethical corporations will realize the deterioration in their brand name and may start implementing environmental friendly policies.