Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The New Blog
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Environmentally speaking…
Because of the fact that my blog is related with business issues, I will discuss about CSR initiatives. Corporate Social Responsibility can take many and various forms; one very important aspect of CSR can relate to corporate environmental “sensitivity”. Many corporations globally choose to focus their corporate social initiatives and programs in the protection and sustainability of the environment. Some very common environmental initiatives may be the following:
- Recycling various materials (print paper, glass, plastic)
- Reduction of Energy consumption (power saving policies, use of technological innovations)
- Reforestation (of burned forests)
- Cleaning of the sea and the coastline
- Fighting global warming (reduction of CO2 emissions, etc.)
On the other hand there is a great number of heavy industrial units that do not compromise with laws and environmental policies. They often evade law procedures and engage into lobbying tactics to avoid acts against them. Sometimes the only powerful weapon against those kind of corporations is branding. People are getting more concerned about environmental issues in recent times and they start to demand firms not to pollute and act in accordance with nature. The consumer has great power and should start boycotting the former type of corporations. Only then top management in these unethical corporations will realize the deterioration in their brand name and may start implementing environmental friendly policies.
Monday, September 17, 2007
What a leader is…
Leader is the supervising – managerial person that when he/she leaves his/her working floor, the employees there, keep working!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
When corporations deny free advertising…
This is the way I think, correct me if I am wrong:
When a student or a group approach me I would at least be kind enough to listen to them. When they say that they chose me as their assignment that would be a great occasion for my company because they know my company and they respect it. They chose ME! They prefer to study me because either I have conquered their hearts or at least I have an impact (even a negative one) on them. That is publicity; and it’s free. By all means I don’t want to waste it! I will release the information that is not confidential and with great pleasure, as a matter of fact. That information will not go to the competition; that would be presented in a class full of potential customers. Many students will hear about me, they will get aware of me, they will learn about my tactics, they will remember me when they purchase relevant products and ideally they will switch brands. Actually the student or the group of students, with this assignment may switch brand because they will inevitably get highly involved. Even if they are already buying my products now, at least I have that information available and I have built some relations.
In most cases corporate managers deny that information either out of luck of time -customer acquisition and public relations seems to them like a waste of time!!!- Or they just don’t care! They usually don’t even deny that information kindly; they just ignore you like they want to irritate you as much as possible. Well Done! You turn your prospective customers into enemies which will never buy again from you and furthermore they will spread negative publicity about you!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Bits of Knowledge Post Series (less than 100 words)
There are three main ways to monetize on your blog. Firstly, you can put advertising from a major advertising network (such as Google Adsense, Adbrite, BlogAds, etc.) and earn by clicks or impressions. Secondly, you can sell affiliate products, that is other people products and services and earn a commission. Thirdly you can sell your own products and services.
Bits of Knowledge Post Series (less than 100 words)
This is a call for comments post!!!
I have found many networking sites and webservices and I guess that they all have great features and services. Some of most distinguished are: LinkedIn, Facebook, Ryze, ZeroDegrees, Tagged, Orkut, Ziki, etc. I realize that it is almost impossible to register and be active to all of those. You may have to register to 2-3 but you cannot cope with more. Moreover I guess it’s extremely time consuming and requires a lot of effort to try all of these and find the best so I would like some feedback out of your experiences about the above and other networking webservices. Which do you prefer and why? Are there any special features in one of them that the rest are lacking? I am looking forward to building my profile into a professional way and I would like to know your educated views and opinions. Please leave your comments (which of the above do you personally use and why).
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Why Second Life is a great marketing tool?
Note: This is not a thorough list but some quick thoughts that just occurred to me.
Because it is very unlikely that someone will randomly visit an unknown site (that is yours) to him/her. In second life someone may wander around and come across your virtual office or home.
Because it can be suited both for high and low involvement products and services: It can generate sales of products and services that are usually bought on an impulse (commodities, low involvement, etc). On the other hand it can create increased brand loyalty and preference (even brand awareness) for high involvement products (When someone visits one major brand’s store, a real shopping experience may be simulated).
Because everyone could freely network, join groups, make connections with others. In real world and even in other forms of online communication, sometimes things are more (not difficult but) complicated.
Some thoughts about salesmen
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Networking & PR Planning
I have recently come to realize that a good pr planning actually requires having a specific list of contacts that you need to communicate each day. So, I sorted each of my contacts into groups based on a scale of significance and then I set a communication frequency for each group according to that scale. From that point it’s easy to organize whom you are going to call or email or meet each day of the week.
Back Again
Being free again is great but I think that I have already too many irons into fire. So many things were postponed because of the army and catching up with everything and making amends for the lost time (1 whole year of my life) is really very difficult. So, actually, my claims to be free are only theoretically correct as I am already pursuing too many things and having too many commitments.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Blogger Member for 2 Years!
I hope I will continue with more frequency, better posts and more readers!
Understanding and Perceiving life
Sunday, May 06, 2007
How to use traffic exchange to earn money on the internet
Sales through traffic
Provided that you surf a lot you get lots of credits to use. Once a credit is used one people visits your website. More traffic leads to more visits. More visits can potentially lead to more sales. If you have a website where you sell products and services you need traffic in order to build sales. If more people visit your online mall, it is more likely that you find people interested in what you sell. So more traffic means more potential customers.
Impressions through traffic
You can use traffic exchange to share ideas, thoughts, to exhibit your talents and your services. If you are an expert in something, you may utilize increased traffic to “sell” yourself. By doing so you may reap potential future benefits. Suppose for example you are a consultant in a specific business area. You can advertise yourself through the net and gain more visibility and recognition. Visibility and recognition will eventually lead to more demand of your services and whatever you have to offer – give – say – etc.
Earning though advertising
On fine and very popular way to monetize on a website is by selling advertising space. There are many web services providing every website owner the opportunity to host ads of their clients. Traffic Exchange may boost the traffic of such a site. If the visits to a website that hosts ads will increase so will the advertising earnings. One can either earn through the visits of other traffic exchange users or through any clicks to the ads (that are more likely to be clicked when the traffic is increased).
CSR and True Devotion…
Blogging for Corporate Social Responsibility
Some examples
- Regular posting on everyday initiatives’ progress
- Posting about some major and minor events
- Posting about new initiatives undertaken
- Posting about weekly – monthly aims / goals and their results
- Posting thoughts and ideas for new initiatives or improving old campaigns
- Posting meetings’ outcomes
- Posting self-assessment on how one is contributing on a CSR initiative
- Posting about how a team devoted to a social cause works together
- Posting about tough problems and challenges that appear and need solutions
A blog about corporate social responsibility enable great interactivity and feedback from every potential stakeholder group and that can become a strategic competitive advantage that will take a corporation a step ahead of even the most innovative and creative (in terms of CSR and marketing) competitors.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Professional blogging
The former earn money mainly from advertising and sales. They advertise through an advertising network such as google Adsense, BlogAds, etc, or they manually arrange advertising deals.
The later blog about products, services and information that they sell through their blog or another linked site. The sales model may be consisted of their own made products or affiliate products.
Welcome to the free world
Let’s give two examples to make the above statement more clear and comprehensible; one concerning an online business and one concerning the regular offline business. The online example: suppose you want to market / sell a new piece of software, you can write an ebook or a series of posts, videos, podcasts, etc. about the procedure or the function that the software you sell does. Then you can connect the written procedure or function with your software (via link or reference) and have an effective sales and marketing tool. The offline example (just to show that this technique is exactly as efficient as in the online world) might be the following: you have a marketing firm specialized in public relations, you can provide a sort of free services as a starting series of PR campaigns and in order to start a potential client base and to create a relationship with them.
Future Predictions
The trend of “everything is free” will continue to grow rapidly in terms of customer consumption and marketing technique. Each of those products, services and pieces of information will have a referring part that is the underlying hidden marketing / sales message.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Social Causes
One great use of social media and user generated content of any form (text, audio and especially video) is to support a cause and a social initiative. Corporations in particular can utilize that form of communication to publicize and enhance awareness of the cause and their contributions as well. Corporate social initiatives and corporate social responsibility are current trends that have great impact in brand reputation and equity. I believe that businesses will realize the potential benefits that social media could add to their CSR campaigns and start utilizing these as strategic tools.
An example of my previous statement can clarify what I mean. Suppose you are a business that starts a new social initiative, for example a race against deforestation. You can host videos and other forms of content (such as photos, text comments, etc.) of local people and your employees planting trees. On each event you plan and host you can add valuable content of that kind to inspire more people to join your efforts, to show that while doing these activities you can have fun and to show that you support and embrace your community and its members. These videos or media of any kind you choose to implement can also have a great educational value.
Business Strategy Evolution
Last year I had written a series of posts about the possible evolution of business strategy. A great blogger I know, Dmitry Linkov, was writing his post-graduate assignment on this topic and these were some of my thoughts about the subject (you can find my thoughts here, here and here). Anyway, thinking of my ideas about business strategy evolution it seems that I have not included what these days seems so obvious: social media. Social media are and will definitely be included in the short and medium-term focus of business strategy and innovational – creative thinking. In fact, I foresee social media as key elements that corporations and organizations will implement as core competencies and they will take advantage of their users’ generated content as business strengths.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Great Brands…
Thoughts on blogging
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Satisfaction from work
An additional point I want to make is that I can only think of three possibilities concerning job satisfaction: you can have a pleasant job which you enjoy, an unpleasant job which you don't like but you have to do for living and a job which some people may consider pleasant but doesn't suit you (for example a job that you were forced to practise due to some reasons). While I am thinking all these I am once more feeling extreme happiness for studying business administration and choosing to become a marketer.
Latest news...
Monday, March 19, 2007
Customer complaints
Having a box and a pack with complaint forms in the corner of your store doesn't sound like a proactive way of managing customer complaints and measuring satisfaction! Do you offer a form with every product or service you deliver? What about customers who are in their own place? Do they have access to these forms? Do you personally ask each and every customer about the level of service and satisfaction they perceive when they consume your products and services? These are proactive ways of handling customer complaints. You need to show real and authentic interest to your customers. You should encourage them to air their grievances. Bear in mind that your goal is not just a one time purchase but repeated sales. How are you going to achieve that if you have dissatisfied customers?
I know many people (I also am one of those!) that when they get dissatisfied with a service or product they will never buy from that company ever again. You certainly don’t want this happen. Furthermore, these customers do not complain or argue with you. They just leave quietly. You need to feel when a customer is dissatisfied or even not pleased with your level of service and try to change his/her attitude before he/she switches brand and left you wandering what went wrong. Complaint management is not as obvious as it sounds mainly because you don’t always get those disappointment messages. So next time you interact with a customer try to be a little more thorough, ask questions, view from the customer’s angle and be proactive.
Paid to Read Industry
The “Paid to Read” phenomenon has been taking place for a while on the internet. Paid to read is meant to refer to an advertisement or a message carrying an advertisement (on it) in which someone is being paid just for reading. That kind of “business” can take several forms; most of them are emails, on-site ads and links. There is always an intermediate part between the advertiser and the ad viewer. That part publishes the advertiser ads and offer one portion of the advertising revenue to the viewers. In that way, the service provider motivates people to read ads. Both parts; the intermediary and the client benefit; it’s a win-win situation. Some questions, arise though; for example what about the benefits of the advertiser? Does he/she win? Are one’s ads effective? Below, I try to offer some perspectives…
One can state that as long as people read the ads just for the money incentive there is no real attention to the advertising message but only passive clicking actions. On the other hand, advertisements not including any incentive have the same appealing: no one seems to really enjoy seeing ads. You may be amused with some ads but I bet you are not looking forward to turn your TV on or browse a magazine just to see ads. Ads are always distracting. They try to distract you from whatever you were doing to pay attention to them. In most occasions that is the case. It’s Seth Godin’s distraction marketing theory. Consequently, whether there is, or there is not an incentive (of any kind), people in most cases do not authentically look forward to read ads.
Thus coming to the very first question about the effectiveness of a “Paid to Read” advertising message, if an ad is being placed just to inform consumers about the existence of a product or service, I hold the opinion that both ways of advertising (paid and non paid ads) are almost the same (as concerns effectiveness).
As concerns brand preference and reminding ads my views are: Usual advertising costs a lot more expensive in traditional media that Paid to Read ads. That may lead to the association of a brand being advertised through traditional ways with high value and successful product / service. On the contrary, cheap advertising of paid to read messages might cast a lightly negative impact to the viewers. The previous statements concern ads that are trying to remind the product / service to the user (or call to act) and to improve conceived brand value. Contrary, when there is too much clutter on reminding advertising it may affect viewers of traditional media channels negatively while this is not the case for viewers that get paid to see them. In other words, “Paid to Read” ad networks can effectively bear a lot of ad clutter while other common networks cannot.
…some more views:
Most common and simple forms of “Paid to Read” services refer to emails containing a direct link or/and an embodied advertising.
I personally use some Paid to Read networks, I have been paid a few dollars. Of course in this industry no one should expect to get rich.
Almost all of the “Paid to Read” networks offer user referral systems.
There is also the “Paid to Click” alternative industry. This is very similar to the “Paid to Read” stuff. I will not analyze it (at least in this post).
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Traditional products’ marketing & a practical advice on how to become more effective in your business (whatever field you are in).
I mention the above story because it led me to the following (and now very obvious to me) conclusions:
We often say that one should think from the customer’s perspective and get on his/her shoes to figure out more ways to service one and market to him/her. Personally I totally agree with the above statement; however how was it likely to me to think of the above (marketing) technique? I mean, ok, I am going to think from the customer’s point of view…hm …em …let’s put some ads in the town’s stations and populated places…hm… let’s post an article on traditional products in the local newspaper/magazine or website…etc. To think out of the box – off the beaten track is easy to say but sometimes hard to actually do. Just thinking from the customer’s perspective many times is not enough; one should simulate customer’s experiences: he must go on vacation (although he is in his origin), he must live and act as a customer and try the same experiences and actions. Thinking is not enough; one may need to acquire some input (feelings, thoughts, senses, impressions, etc.). How can one implement the above conclusion? Try to find out a solution/opportunity/challenge not only with thorough thoughts but by interacting with people, places, objects; get a lot of input from anything you get in contact with.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Advertising – Human Ads
- Word of mouth
- Celebrity marketing
- Body advertisements (e.g. Tattoos of brands)
- Surname ads = name of brands (to change one’s surname to a brand’s name)
The first three are obvious and well-discussed. As concerns the forth, I have never seen that kind of advertising anywhere or heared of something similar. One day I thought that someone could just change his/her surname into a brand’s name for advertising purposes.
Offers for body advertisements can one find very often on Ebay.
Post’s deletion
A Branding Dilemma
Does simplicity approach has any meaning in this particular example (the widget application)? Or the “normal” marketing – branding approach is better? I really don’t have any answer to that question. Should one use the common approach or try to differentiate? Of course both approaches are right but one might be better. Which one do you think?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Days left: 183
[Finally this blog woke up from deep hibernation for just a few moments. In a week I’ll be back in the camp again (away from the comfort ness of my home, lacking civilization and my normal life).]
To write and publish anything non fictional you need to read. In fact you need to read a lot. This blog is referred to the internet and marketing and in order to contribute my thoughts I definitely need to have a lot of input. The past 6 months that I’ve been in the army I’ve pushed myself to start posting again (in a process of firstly writing down on a notepad and then typing and posting on an internet café on the first available opportunity) but I found that I’ve lost contact with blogging and since I wasn’t informed and updated with current trends and the blogosphere in general I couldn’t be productive. During the past 6 months the last 3 ones I had computer access but no Internet connection (and no spare time at all!). These days, fortunately I am home relaxing and getting used to civilized life again. Life in army really sucks and I don’t want to remind myself that I have another full 6 months left.
While trying to fill my flash disk with RSS feeds so that I can read while in camp I found out many great marketing blogs which I will now start to read (whenever this is possible!). Now I am constantly trying to read all these feeds and compensate for all that lost time. Maybe at the end of these free days I write another post too…
Till next time I’ll get online take care and… keep blogging ;) !